Getting started with your new LMS-ESP32 board

LMS_esp32 Pinout

Firmare for the LMS-ESP32

Your board comes flashed with the last Micropython 1.19. With our online firmware flasher on, you can flash it with other firmware, for instance, if you want to connect gamepads. Only works in Google Chrome or MS Edge.

Connecting to the board

The easiest way to edit files on the board is a program called Thonny. Just connect the board through USB. On Chromebooks you can use a USB serial terminal, like serial terminal. Connect with baudrate 115200. Transferring files will be hard, though.

Configuring a WIFI access point

You can access the board wirelessly if you configure a WiFi access point and use Micropython.

Upload this to the board. It creates a WiFi Access point called ESP-AP. The password is micropythoN. When you’re connected, you can use a WebREPL to program your board. Just press enter when it asks for a password. There is none.